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To Overview

Call Stack and the Heap

In computer programming, understanding the concepts of the call stack and the heap is crucial for comprehending how programs are executed and how memory is managed. This article will provide an overview of these two fundamental components of memory management.

The Heap

The heap is a region of memory where objects are dynamically allocated and stored during the execution of a program. It is an unstructured memory pool that allows for flexible memory allocation and deallocation. Unlike the stack, which we'll discuss later, the heap does not have a specific order or organization for storing objects.

In the heap, the application can allocate memory for objects that it needs to store and access during runtime. These objects can be of various sizes and data types. The heap allows for dynamic memory allocation, which means that objects can be created and destroyed at runtime as needed.

The Call Stack

The call stack, also known as the execution stack or program stack, is a data structure that keeps track of the execution context of a program. It is responsible for managing the order in which functions are called and executed. The call stack stores information about function calls, including the memory address of the next instruction to be executed after the function call completes.

When a function is called, the program pushes the address of the next instruction onto the call stack. This process is repeated for each subsequent function call, creating a stack-like structure. When a function completes its execution, it is popped from the stack, and the program resumes execution from the address stored in the previous function call.

The call stack is crucial for maintaining the flow of execution in a program. It ensures that functions are called and executed in the correct order and allows for the return of values from function calls.

Compilation or Interpretation?

When it comes to executing code, there are two common approaches: compilation and interpretation.


In compilation, the entire source code of a program is translated into machine code before execution. The compilation process converts the source code into a portable file containing the machine code instructions. This file can then be executed on any computer with the compatible architecture.

During compilation, the source code is analyzed and optimized for efficient execution. Once compiled, the program can be executed multiple times without the need for further compilation.


Interpretation, on the other hand, involves executing code line by line. An interpreter reads and executes each line of code sequentially, converting it into machine code on-the-fly.

Interpreted languages do not produce a separate portable file containing machine code. Instead, the source code is directly executed. This approach provides flexibility but can result in slower execution compared to compiled languages.

Just-in-Time (JIT) Compilation

Modern JavaScript engines use a combination of compilation and interpretation known as Just-in-Time (JIT) compilation. With JIT compilation, the JavaScript code is first parsed and transformed into an intermediate representation called the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). This step involves splitting up the code into meaningful pieces and checking for syntax errors.

The AST is then converted into optimized machine code just before execution. This process allows JavaScript engines to dynamically generate efficient machine code based on the specific execution context.

JIT compilation offers the benefits of both compilation and interpretation. It enables JavaScript code to run at near-native speeds while providing the flexibility to adapt to runtime changes.


The call stack and the heap are integral parts of memory management in programming. The heap is responsible for storing objects during program execution, while the call stack manages the execution context and order of function calls.

Compilation and interpretation are two different approaches to executing code, with each having its own advantages and trade-offs. Just-in-Time (JIT) compilation, used by modern JavaScript engines, combines the benefits of both approaches to achieve efficient execution and flexibility.

Understanding the interaction between the call stack, the heap, and the compilation/interpretation process is