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Understanding Strict Mode in JavaScript: Writing More Secure Code


JavaScript is a versatile and powerful programming language that is widely used for web development. However, like any language, it has its quirks and pitfalls. To help developers write more reliable and secure code, JavaScript introduced a feature called "strict mode." In this blog post, we will explore what strict mode is, how to enable it, and the advantages it offers in terms of making your JavaScript code more secure.

What is Strict Mode?

Strict mode is a special mode in JavaScript that was introduced in ECMAScript 5 (ES5). It provides a way to opt into a restricted variant of JavaScript that enforces stricter parsing and error handling. By adding the following statement at the beginning of your JavaScript code:

'use strict'

You enable strict mode for that particular script or function, and it becomes more stringent in terms of how it interprets and executes your code.

Advantages of Using Strict Mode

  1. Preventing Common Mistakes: One of the primary benefits of strict mode is its ability to catch and prevent common coding mistakes that might otherwise go unnoticed. It does this by generating errors or throwing exceptions for code that would otherwise be silently ignored or produce unexpected results in non-strict mode.
  2. Reserved Keywords: Strict mode introduces a list of reserved keywords that cannot be used as variable names. This helps avoid accidental naming conflicts and potential security vulnerabilities. For example, if you try to declare a variable with a reserved keyword like "interface" as shown below:
'use strict'
const interface = 'Audio'

You will immediately get a syntax error in strict mode, preventing you from introducing a security vulnerability.

  1. Safer Code: Strict mode helps you write safer code by disallowing some unsafe actions and promoting best practices. It makes it easier to write code that doesn't have silent errors or unintended behaviors.
  2. Optimized JavaScript: Enabling strict mode can also make your code run faster in some cases. The JavaScript engine can perform optimizations when it knows that strict mode is in use, leading to potential performance improvements.
  3. Better Debugging: When an error occurs in strict mode, it often provides more informative error messages and stack traces, making debugging easier and more efficient.

How to Enable Strict Mode

As mentioned earlier, enabling strict mode is as simple as adding the following line to the beginning of your JavaScript code:

'use strict'

You can enable strict mode for the entire script or just for specific functions or code blocks. When used at the function level, strict mode only applies to that function and its nested functions, allowing you to mix strict and non-strict code within the same script.


Strict mode in JavaScript is a valuable tool for writing more secure and error-free code. By enabling strict mode at the beginning of your scripts or functions, you can catch common mistakes, prevent the use of reserved keywords, and promote best coding practices. It's a simple yet effective way to make your JavaScript code more robust and reliable, ultimately leading to a safer and more efficient web application. So, the next time you write JavaScript, consider making 'use strict' your coding companion.